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Dieser Artikel wurde am 17. August 2004 veröffentlicht
und ist möglicherweise nicht mehr aktuell!
[zitat] Security Notes from All Over: Photo-ID Verification
A reader sent in this conversation he overheard at a corporate security desk one morning:
Employee I have lost my photo-ID card, can I get a day pass please?
Security Guard Certainly, what is your serial number?
Employee 123456
[Security guard pulls up the details on his computer, which includes a photograph of the employee.] Security Guard Do you have a driver’s license or another piece of identification which has your picture on it?
Employee Why would you need that?
Security Guard To match against our records.
Employee A picture of my face?
Security Guard Yes
Employee This is my face — I am wearing it on my head.
Security Guard I need another piece of ID with a picture on it to compare against this one.

Kann es sein, daß gesunder Menschenverstand in heutigen Zeiten nicht mehr wirklich gefragt ist? Wenn man sich solche Konversationen durchliest, die leider tatsächlich geführt werden, von Sicherheitsbeamten, denen jener anscheinend ausgetrieben worden ist, könnte man wirklich daran zu glauben beginnen.

[Crypto Gram]

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